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ruby crowhurst

BRITs Rising Star Award 2021 winner Griff has released her latest project, One Foot in Front of the Other and it's safe to say it lives up to expectations and more.

The synth-filled electro-pop release sits somewhere between an EP and an album at 7 songs long and keeps you captivated with its moreish thumping beats and soul-filled vocals. The songs are digitised but it doesn't in any way take away from the rawness of both the warm and heartbreaking lyrics.

Themes of love and heartbreak fold through One Foot in Front of the Other changing from upbeat full-hearted love songs, to more melancholy tracks with sometimes dark discussions being had. Remaining consistent between these changes in moods is no mean feat, but Griff has achieved it with ease.

The EP opens in familiar territory with previously released singles 'Black Hole' and 'One Foot In Front of The Other' before we encounter the previously unheard tracks.

Griff has a talent for making the menial parts of life sparkle with meaning, which is shown especially well in 'Shade of Yellow'. 'Shade of Yellow' emphasises how the little parts of relationships can have the most amount of love in them. The song just feels warm, with a chorus that emphasizes how important comfort is in a relationship with lyrics like Oh, "'cause there's a light in your room / And the lamp is a shade of yellow / And it makes me feel safe and sound / And I swear that's rare these days".

However, this menial turned meaningful can also be in a much sadder context with the borderline ballad 'Early Grey Tea.' 'Earl Grey Tea' heads into very existential territory, with the death being the centre of attention with haunting lyrics like "you're so scared of dying slowly / But why aren't more scared of dying lonely?"

On One Foot in Front of The Other, Griff has taken a lead role in not just recording, but writing and producing the songs which, on top of everything else makes the project feel even more impressive.

This EP is pretty outstanding and shows off the best of Griff's abilities. It'll be exciting to see what the 20-year-old can do further in her career if what she's starting with is so well put together.

RATING: 9/10


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