Sometimes a soundtrack can make or break a movie, both in terms of success and cultural relevance. Mediocre movies have been made into modern-day classics via one outstanding soundtrack, or even one song that captures the hearts of the public.
Here are a few of my personal favourite soundtracks, some of which are considered to be some of the best of all time.
Black Panther: The Album - Kendrick Lamar (2018)
From Black Panther, dir. Ryan Coogler
If we're talking about iconic soundtracks, then we don't need to go too far back in time to find one that was incredibly well-loved by critics and the general public alike. The release of Black Panther was a poignant moment in not only the history of Marvel Studios but the history of cinema, so it's no surprise that a host of stars came to join its soundtrack, not least Kendrick Lamar that produced it in its entirety.
Black Panther: The Album captured the essence and importance of the film, whilst also being individually good songs. You didn't have to see the movie to enjoy the single releases from the soundtrack, but the album is a damn sight better if you did, which is exactly how a soundtrack like this should work.
William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet: Music from the Motion Picture - Various Artists (1996)
From William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet dr. Baz Luhrmann
The first of two Baz Luhrmann movies can be found on this list showing that this man certainly knows how to incorporate great music into film.
Romeo + Juliet is iconic for a lot of reasons. For its clever interpretation of Shakespeare, its weird and wacky cinematography, for young Leonardo DiCaprio in all its glory. However, some of the most iconic moments of the film feature key songs from the soundtrack. 'Kissing You' by Des'ree has become synonymous with that scene where Romeo Leo is looking at Juliet through the fish tank, and who can forget Mercutio in drag performing 'Young Hearts Run Free'?
As far as soundtracks go, it's one of the most fun-filled and vivid you can find.
Submarine EP - Alex Turner (2011)
From Submarine dir. Richard Ayoade
The EP from Submarine is Alex Turner's solo debut, that takes a signficant step away from what audiences were used to with his work with Arctic Monkeys until this point. The short soundtrack offers an acoustic and melancholy sound, which is highlighted by Turner's mellow vocals and lyrical content.
Although 'Submarine' is a relatively small indie film, because of Alex Turner's musical skill combined with the understanding of the movie itself, we find Submarine blessed with an incredible soundtrack.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Various Artists (2010)
From Scott Pilgrim vs. the World dr. Edgar Wright
This soundtrack became, ironically, the soundtrack to most indie teenagers lives when it was released, and still continues to do so to this day. I mean, just as recently as last month did the team decide to release the Brie Larson version of Black Sheep on streaming platforms, which people have been asking for for years.
The alt-rock-based soundtrack has an edge and features some unexpectedly incredible artists like Beck and The Rolling Stones.
Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1 - Various Artists (2014)
From Guardians of The Galaxy dir. James Gunn
We can't include Marvel on this list, without including Guardians of the Galaxy. In the film, Chris Pratt's character Peter Quill carries a Zune with him everywhere he goes, that features an 'Awesomemix' created by his mother in the 80s, who has since passed. The soundtrack of the film itself then stems from this gift, meaning its full of retro rock and soul bangers, primarily from the 70s and 80s.
Although the first of these movies have been put in this list specifically, but Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 also has an equally stellar soundtrack that could feature on this list.
Moulin Rouge! Music from Baz Luhrmann's Film - Various Artists (2001)
From Moulin Rouge! dir. Baz Lurhmann
Yet another installation from Baz Lurhmann, but this time with more of a whole-hearted musical than just a soundtrack. Moulin Rogue features a mix of original songs, like the ballad duet to end all ballad duets 'Come What May', along with remixes of iconic pop and rock songs, like the epic 'Elephant Love Medly' which features lyrics from everyone from Bowie to The Beatles.
It took the genre of musical, twisted it on its head and made it, dare I say, cool?
The movie incorporates all of these songs into its scenes, which has made it the perfect material for an on-stage musical too.
Trainspotting: Music from the Motion Picture - Various Artists (1996)
From Trainspotting dir. Danny Boyle
If you've ever seen Trainspotting, then its soundtrack might not be what you think of as the defining part of the movie. With its gory depiction of drug addiction, and stellar performances by the cast, the soundtrack by no means is found at the forefront of the movie, but that doesn't stop it being one of the best of all time. Featuring iconic Britpop hits, and iconic drug-inspired hit 'Perfect Day' by Lou Reed, the soundtrack is well crafted not to only be full of well-known songs, but songs that represent the film to an absolute T. Even if you haven't seen the film, the soundtrack is well worth a listen.
Tarzan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack - Phill Collins (1998)
From Tarzan dir. Kevin Lima and Chris Buck
Here were are, finally, with one of the most underrated Disney soundtracks, and possibly one of the most underrated soundtracks of all time. One of the modern mysteries of today remains: why the hell did Phil Collins go so hard on the Tarzan soundtrack?
Every song on the project has that Phil Collins signature flair whilst also following the story. 'You'll Be In My Heart' remains one of the most heartfelt and powerful Disney songs to date, and every other song on this soundtrack isn't too far behind.
I can't say Tarzan is my favourite Disney movie, but there's no other Disney soundtrack that's so genuinely easily listenable.
You can find songs from all these movies, as well as many more of our favourite movie songs, on our Spotify playlist.